POL-NOR II - Cooperation in the area of road safety - exchange of experiences and good practices
The project is financed by the "Internal Affairs" Program implemented under the EAA and Norway Grants for 2014-2021. The program is at the disposal of the Minister of the Interior and Administration.
The EEA and Norway Grants
The EEA and Norway Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. There are two overall objectives: reduction of economic and social disparities in Europe, and to strengthen bilateral relations between the donor countries and 15 EU countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics. The three donor countries cooperate closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). The donors have provided €3.3 billion through consecutive grant schemes between 1994 and 2014. For the period 2014-2021, the EEA and Norway Grants amount to €2.8 billion. The priorities for this period are:
- Innovation, Research, Education and Competitiveness
- Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction
- Environment, Energy, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy
- Culture, Civil Society, Good Governance and Fundamental Rights
- Justice and Home Affairs
Eligibility for the Grants mirror the criteria set for the EU Cohesion Fund aimed at member countries where the Gross National Income (GNI) per inhabitant is less than 90% of the EU average. The EEA and Norway Grants scheme consists of two financial mechanisms.
The EEA Grants are jointly financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, whose contributions are based on their GDP. Norway Grants are financed solely by Norway
For more information on The EEA and Norway Grants, please visit: www.norwaygrants.org and www.eog.gov.pl
Project information
Title of the Project:
POL-NOR II - Cooperation in the area of road safety - exchange of experiences and good practices
The Project is implemented under the funds of the Bilateral Cooperation Fund of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.
Value of the project:1 069 475 PLN
Financial Agreement: Agreement no I/NMF/2019 was signed on 29.04.2020
Period of implementation: 01.04. 2020 – 28.02.2025
The goal of the project shall be to conduct a comprehensive comparative research on road safety, with a particular focus on:
- a diagnosis of the legal status of road safety regulations;
- a diagnosis on the functioning of the road safety management system in Norway & Poland;
- a diagnosis on the manner of road safety evaluations in Norway & Poland;
- defining Norwegian operations in the scope of road safety improvement, and an assessment along with indicating their effectiveness;
- defining Polish operations in the scope of road safety improvement, and an assessment along with indicating their effectiveness;
- defining Norwegian operations in the scope of road safety improvement, which could be transferred to the Polish ground i.e.:
- activities that require amendments of law regulations,
- activities that do not require amendments of regulations,
- infrastructuralactivities,
- indication of exemplary solutions that allow the implementation of proven best practices.
The goal shall be executed through the following activities
- Study visit of the Polish party in Norway
Framework visit programme:
- becoming acquainted with the road management safety system in Norway as well as the assumptions being the basis for the road safety improvement, aiming at achieving the "Vision Zero";
- becoming acquainted with the tactics and technique of performing the Police service, including used specialist equipment;
- exchange of experiences related with traffic organization and infrastructural solutions that improve the road safety, with particular emphasis on the safety of unprotected road users;
- prophylactic activities aiming at road safety improvement, cooperation with government and non-government organizations in the road safety area.
Thanks to the studio visit, initial assumptions will be prepared with a view for preparation of a comprehensive comparative research in the area of road safety in Norway & Poland.
- Preparation of a comprehensive comparative research and summary conference
- preparation of a comprehensive comparative research on the status of road safety in Norway & Poland, by a scientific & research community with professional knowledge on road safety. Research conducted within the scope of the project might be used in the future to prepare assumptions and tasks within the scope of a new project, which may be executed as a pilot project in a selected region in Poland.
- organization and conducting a summary conference with the participation of representatives of the Norwegian party, during which the results of the comparative research will be presented along with any and all possible forms of using research generated during the project.
Due to the epidemic emergency, the implementation of activities in the project has been postponed to 2023 and 2024.
1. 24-28 April 2023: The project hosted a study visit to Norway.
The delegation, headed by Superintendent Roman Kuster - Deputy Commander in Chief of the Police, included representatives of the Traffic Bureau of the KGP, the Finance Bureau of the KGP, the Regional Police Headquarters in Białystok, the Regional Police Headquarters in Szczecin, the Traffic Department of the Regional Police Headquarters in Katowice and the Traffic Department of the Capital Police Headquarters.
During the visit, the Polish delegation had the opportunity to learn, among other things, about the organisation of road traffic surveillance in Norway, the structure and tasks of the Norwegian National Traffic Police (including: priority actions of the Norwegian Police for road safety, cooperation of the Police with other responsible entities involved in conducting road safety actions). The activities of other institutions carrying out activities within road safety area - the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, the Research and Knowledge Department of the Norwegian BRD Council, the Department of Forensic Medicine at Oslo University Hospital, the Norwegian Traffic Centre Area East - are also presented.
From the point of view of the Norwegian partner, elements aiming at the realisation of "Vision Zero", which is the basis for all actions concerning road safety - assuming an ultimate reduction to zero of the number of people killed and seriously injured as a result of road incidents, were presented.
The Polish delegation was able to learn about the traffic surveillance system in Norway - from the Traffic Police's activities focusing on drivers (consisting in controlling speed, sobriety and driver distractions), through education and social campaigns (with the main participation of the Norwegian Road Safety Council), scientific research on alcohol and intoxicants, to legislation.
As part of the exchange of experience and good practices during the study visit, representatives of the Polish Police had an opportunity to present their Norwegian partner not only with information on the state of road safety in Poland, but also on the organisation of the road traffic division of the Polish Police, including tasks performed and equipment in use.
An additional advantage of the study visit was the opportunity to observe Norwegian traffic police officers in the course of their operations - to see and become familiar with the equipment used, from police cars and motorbikes to alcohol and drug testers and laser speed meters. It should be added that, in terms of equipment, the Polish Police has a lot to boast about: thanks to support from aid funds (from the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme), among other things.
2. 20 November 2024: Conference summarizing the project was held in Warsaw
The conference was attended by, among others: First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Police - Superintendent Roman Kuster, Deputy Chief of Police – Superintendent. Dr. Rafał Kochańczyk, the Norwegian delegation consisting of: Mr. Runar Karlsen - Director of the Norwegian Police Directorate, Mr. Roar Skjelbred Larsen - Deputy Chief of the National Road Traffic Police and Steffen Halvorsen from the National Road Traffic Police, Director of the Road Traffic Office of the National Police Headquarters, insp. Robert Koźlak, Dr. Agata Furgała - Director of the Department of Public Order of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, Ms. Magdalena Zdrojewska - Deputy Director of the Department of European Funds of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, Mr. Konrad Romik - Secretary of the National Road Safety Council, Mr. Artur Czapiewski acting Chief Inspector of Road Transport, a representative of the Police Academy in Szczytno, Commanders of Police Schools, Deputy Provincial Police Commanders for prevention together with the Heads of WRD KWP and other distinguished guests.
The conference was the last stage of the project, during which a publication prepared by the TOR Economic Advisory Team was presented entitled "Comprehensive comparative study in the area of road safety in Norway and Poland" including:
- analysis of road traffic regulations in both countries,
- comparison of road traffic safety management systems,
- review of methods for assessing road safety,
- proposals for Norwegian activities in the area of road safety, which can be transferred to Poland.
Earlier, as part of the project, representatives of the Polish Police paid a study visit to Norway, which was used to define detailed assumptions for this study.
During the conference, the particularly inspiring role of the Norwegian approach to road safety management, based on the "Vision Zero" strategy - striving to completely eliminate road fatalities, was highlighted.
During the conference, the authors of the publication presented in detail its content, which was the subject of discussion later in the conference. There were also three discussion panels devoted to:
- road safety management system,
- the role of the Police in the road traffic supervision system,
- recommendations and recommendations.
The conference ended with the development of conclusions and recommendations that will be addressed to the Secretary of the National Road Safety Council and the Department of Public Order of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration for their use during work to improve road traffic safety in Poland.