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International conference in Krakow (2015)

On 02-04 September 2015 in Krakow (PL) there is held subsequent (8th) conference organized by  the International Co-operation Bureau of National Police Headquarters under project „New challenges for SIS users related to SIS II implementation” co-financed from Norway Grants (2009-2014).

It’s main topic is implementation of alerts pursuant to art 24 of SIS II Regulation (i.e. alerts on third country nationals in respect of whom an alert has been issued for the purposes of refusing entry or stay in Schengen area).

The purpose of the organizers was to present the aforementioned issue in the most comprehensive way and to discuss matters related to security and public order in Schengen zone in respect of increasing wave of migration and risks related to it.

90 persons take part in the conference:

  • 54 international guests (representatives of European Commission, General Secretary, Council of the European Union, European Migration Network)
  • 36 national guests (representatives of FRONTEX, Border Guard, Office for Foreigners, Provincial Offices, Appeal Prosecutor’s Office, Police: Central Police Bureau of Investigation, Police Academy in Pila, Criminal Service Bureau, International Co-operation Bureau of National Police Headuqarters).

Next conference under project „New challenges for SIS users related to SIS II implementation” co-financed from Norway Grants (2009-2014) will be held in Wroclaw on 07-09 October 2015.

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