Information brochure for universities
Information brochure for universities was published under the project "New challenges for SIS users related to SIS II implementation" (ISBN: 978-83-941252-2-6). It is addressed to students who study international cooperation or security or who are interested in SIS II issues.
It covers the following topics:
- concept and basic functions of SIS,
- route of Polish Police to Schengen zone,
- legal issues related to implementation of SIS II in Police,
- Schengen evaluation – verification of the implementation and application of the Schengen acquis,
- basic distinctions between extradition and European Arrest Warrant,
- refusal of entry or stay in Schengen area ,
- international searches of missing persons via SIS channel,
- international searches of objects via SIS channel,
- misused identity.
Brochure contains also information about the project and Norway Grants.
Brochure was distributed to the universities offering international cooperation and security studies as well as to the libraries stipulated in the Regulation of Minister of Culture and Arts of 6 March 1997 on registry of libraries entitled to receiving compulsory publications.
Brochure was published in Polish (English version is not available).